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Or tips

Or tips
Fahad Amir Ahmadi

Prior opinion / bigotry / and lack of experience / and the tyranny of emotion / thought and rigid / and the absolute faith ... Just the elements and prevent external influences our thinking properly and neutral!!

The idea of this article has came to my mind after I finished another article discussed the role of opinion (the former) and (closest) in shaping our thoughts and personal beliefs .. When she got to the end I remembered I had already many other elements play the same role without being aware of its existence already ..

Although I had a bookshelf full of books that discuss this subject, but in the end I preferred to remember and use what I think is common in the community ..

In addition to the defects and errors that I mentioned (in the first article) there are, for example:

Bias and thinking ideologue:

Because of the influence of culture and society to find us always think (not in order to reach the truth), but to prove our point of view and advocate the ideas espoused by our society .. This type of bias existed between the militants find in any religion where convictions already exist but the results manufacture rather later to support ..

And "What is needed is to actually begin the process of thinking in isolation from the intention to influence and proof of convictions for (and that's exactly what he is doing in the laboratory, where scientists are looking for the naked truth without the intention to prove prior opinion or belief)!

Vanity and self-centered:

We all Ntmrkz about ourselves and defend our interests and our own opinions .. This is not an anomaly but a disadvantage of thinking that prevent us from seeing other aspects and different views .. As long as you assumed right, what prevents others to be like you!? .. When you're right, actually does this mean that the others were wrong? ..! Is not it better and easier to always start the hypothesis being (you) to an error!

Acceptance of the nearest and simplest solutions:

While thinking about the problem highlights one of us in the head by a direct solution adopted immediately being closest to the concepts and past experience (and ask your friends what they thought the causes of unemployment, falling stock only to discover their focus on only one reason) ..

The sin here is that we (do not stop) to reflect the existence of more likely causes and the deepest of the problem .. And "What is needed is to actually simulate scientific research experts who put a large number of possibilities and hypotheses, and then start discussing them and make sure one after the other!!

Almnawop and counter-arguments:

While most people are opposed to a person or a trend seeking to undermine his position and inflate the cons .. The sin here is that our emotions and anti-rebel prevent us from seeing the positive side is right and at the other end .. Add to this that the attempt to formulate your position in a way "is wrong" does not necessarily mean that you become a "right", but may risk losing your reputation that you continue to adopt this method against others ..

Withholding exemptions and martyrdom:

While we discuss any problem that can not look at them full, but deduct them Maiwid our point of view only .. This deduction may include a personal position or an isolated incident or a period of time confined to be circulated to everyone .. May be cited for example the situation of blackmail incorrect to prove the seriousness of mixing (and overlook the thousands of cases of innocent) .. It may also cite Located in an institution or a particular company (to suggest the corruption of the site) while the same situation can be located anywhere else, or even by phone and e-mail and rooms online!

Build templates and pre-standard formats:

We all unfortunately Itasb to certain ideas, and adopt templates prior, and depends on the circular in sentencing .. But! While Sufis are blindly loyal to a particular idea will not see an alternative, and when they adopt the templates prior will not notice the new changes, and when deliberate generalization (or race against the trend or a particular religion) will not see individual differences and differences in the positive inside .. What we need really is not to generalize and attention to detail and accept there are exceptions (people of the book, for example, are not all alike)!

The (or advice) is that we practice all of these defects (including those mentioned in the introduction to the article) in a spontaneous and non-conscious .. What really needs after you know about them is that you think the fashion conscious, rational, subject to your control self ..

The question is simply: either to be aware of and controlled by, or ignore it and allow it to control you ..

And look around to know either way notified

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